

Family Planning
Family Planning

Welcome to Cleveland OB/GYN guide on contraception! We understand that choosing the right method can be overwhelming, but we're here to help you make an informed decision. 

There are a variety of types of contraception available, each with its own unique benefits. First, consider whether you want a hormonal or non-hormonal method. Hormonal methods, such as the pill or the implant, use hormones to prevent pregnancy. Non-hormonal methods, such as condoms or copper IUDs, work without hormones. 

Next, think about how long you want your method to last. Short-acting methods, such as condoms or the contraceptive sponge, are used each time you have sex. Long-acting methods, such as the implant or IUD, can last for several years and require less maintenance. 

Finally, consider whether you want a permanent or non-permanent method. Permanent methods, such as sterilization, are meant to be permanent and cannot be reversed. Non-permanent methods, such as the pill or condoms, can be discontinued when you're ready to conceive. 

Remember, there is no "one size fits all" method of contraception. It's important to talk to your healthcare provider about your options and decide what works best for you and your lifestyle.

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Common Questions

  • What to expect from your first obstetric visit?


    Screening for infections 


    Calculation of your due date

    Physical exam

    Discussion of your medical and family history

    Answers to your questions

  • What Type of delivery should I choose?

    Vaginal Delivery is the safest and most recommended in our Practice.  

  • Where Should I deliver?

    It will be your choice to which hospital you want to deliver. We deliver at Tripoint Hospital 

  • Should I Try Vaginal Birth After C-Section ?

    Many women can have a vaginal birth after C-section. We offer Vaginal birth after C section after careful consediration of patient and child safety.

  • Can I take medication during pregnancy

    We recommend  NO medications, including over-the-counter preparations, unless authorized by our office.

    List of acceptable medication in pregnancy:

    • Acetaminophen
    • Tums
    • Robitussin
    • Mylicon
    • Topical Benadryl cream, Benadryl 25mg
  • Can I Travel During pregnancy?

    Travel is allowed until Last month of pregnancy. Seatbealts must be used but secure lap belt under your belly.

  • Can I have X rays ?

    X rays are fine during pregnancy if medically necessary.

  • When are the red flags in pregnancy and where to go?

    If you have any of these you should either come to the office or go to L&D :

    • Contractions
    • If your water breaks
    • Bleeding
    • Decrease Babys movement
    • UTI
    • Abnormal vaginal discharge
    • Fever
    • Pelvic pain
  • Can I have sex during pregnancy?

    Sex can be continued during pregnancy unless you are bleeding or have abnormal placenta location. Your Doctor will recommend avoiding sex if there is a concern during pregnancy

  • When can I visit my dentist?

    Dental care is recommended during pregnancy. However, the second trimester is the safest trimester for treatment.

  • What should I eat during pregnancy?

    • Avoid eating raw or undercooked meats, poultry, and eggs.
    • Avoid Junk food 
    • Avoid High Mercury fish
    • Avoid Honey
    • Drink 8 Glasses of water per day
    • Increase Fruits and vegetables in your diet


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